Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Boat Plans Butler

Redington Form: Game Rod - Game time
Im still very new to fly fishing and love getting on the water every chance I get, but it seems lately its been very difficult to get fly time. At times Ive dreamt where I could be camping, or in elk camp plinking beer cans off stumps with this very rod. Places where I was unable to get to water. The ideas (lets call them games) are almost endless. So recently I pulled the trigger and acquired my first Redington Form "Game Rod". I didnt want this rod in place of, but more to fill a void. For example, during a most recent exciting (que sarcasm) family Thanksgiving I found myself outside with my oldest and a brand new Wave Blue form game rod. Before my first cast my son asked what I was doing. I sarcastically replied daddys working (but showed him the rod anyways). Ok. Step back. I started feeding line getting into the motion of things, thats right I thought... there it is... muscle memory beginning to kick in, less wrist, more line. With the cool fresh air and the fallen leaves in the grass mimicking drag in water (sort of) with a yarn fly I was smiling. I began to enjoy this short two piece rod with no reel. I began picking targets in the yard. Kicking a soccer ball further and further out to the ends of my reach. I was getting into the groove, no. I was in the groove. All I needed was a cold beer...

10 Month first cast, kidding
Pause: Game Two! Set up the beer cans. 
As cans began to line up things got serious. These where no longer cheap beer cans laid out amongst the grass they where targets, fallen soldiers in the Thanksgiving wake. A trout here, big fat bass over there. Had to put my half empty can down, its go time! Hunched down, cast after cast, a hit, miss, miss, hit!!! "Mike!" - Shoot, time to head in.

Game Three - Live Bait!
Needless to say I revisited this game a few more times throughout the rest of my day. Later as my 4 year old got anxious and wanted to play I decided to change things up. As he swung on the swing set I began swinging the hookless fly at his feet, he began to laugh, I laughed. Hey this is fun and safe I thought. We continued, laughing and moving around the swing set and once we where done we began to run around the yard. I must have been chasing a Permit. Elusive bugger he was, casting the rod at his backside 20-30ft at a time, all the while running circles and weaving in and around trees, laughing and smiling. Something I havent done in quite a while, at least so much! When 30ft was no longer enough I was forced to feed more line, 30-40ft... Oops, too much, reel back in. These games and others continued throughout the day.

I sometimes ask my wife and kids what they are thankful for or what their favorite part of their day was. On this day, I was thankful for happy kids and my new game rod because this was the most memorable (favorite) part of my Thanksgiving Holiday (yes, even more than the Thanksgiving dinner).   

Article by: Mike Prine - The Newbie
Gorge Fly Shop - Webmaster

Redington Game Rods: When in stock, available in wave blue or lava red.

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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