Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Dinghy Boat Plans

So you hear that anticipation is half the fun of going on a trip. Well I have to agree. 

 Two months ago I was invited on a very exclusive hard to book tarpon trip in florida. Where? Cant tell you, if I do I dont get to go back, EVER! Have you ever seen the movie Location X? Well if you havent, find it watch it and tell me about it, it is all sold out and I have been looking for it. That is where I am going!

I have heard a ton about this amazing tarpon fishery and now I have a chance to go! So now I am at Buffalo Wild Wings in Portland Oregon having a cold beer thinking about the trip. I have an early flight out in the morning to Orlando Florida where I will meet up with my buddy Tom Larimer who is attending ICAST, the world fishing and fly fishing trade show. From there we will head out to our destination.

I have been trying to picture this trip in my mind. For a while now, I keep playing out how the day will go; We spot tarpon, keep calm, hit your target, set
the hook, the fight begins! I want that picture of me chest deep in the water holding a 100 plus pound tarpon!

Knowing my shoulders are both shot can I really battle the silver king? Well we will see.

The point is half the fun of the trip is the anticipation, the processing. Remember that all last longer than the trip. Adventure that is what it is all about, if everything was the same it would be boring.

Update coming soon.

Travis Duddles
Owner and CEO | Gorge Fly Shop

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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