Wooden Boat Plans Australia
I am very pleased to be able to announce the forthcoming publication of A Practical Guide to Permitted Changes of Use. This long-awaited book is due to be published by Bath Publishing in OCTOBER, both in book form and as an eBook, and can be pre-ordered by readers at a special pre-publication price of £35. When you think of all the time and trouble that permitted changes of use tend to cause, the book will more than repay its cost if it helps you to deal with just one case. You can order it now, by clicking through on the link on the side bar on this page.
I have written quite a few posts in this Blog over the last two or three years on the new rules relating to permitted development, and this book not only brings together all of that material but goes a great deal further, so as to provide a comprehensive and, above all, practical guide to the whole of this subject.
The book gives clear advice on the operation of the prior approval procedure, including the detailed requirements for prior approval applications, their processing and determination, and the way the 56-day time limit for the determination of these applications works in practice. The book also covers other changes of use permitted by the GPDO, including flexible and temporary uses.
After a general introduction to the subject in Chapter 1, the following eleven chapters explain in detail each of the Classes of permitted changes of use. Prior approval applications are then discussed in Chapters 13, 14 and 15, dealing with the content and submission of the application, its processing and determination, and the operation of the 56-day rule. The remaining chapters in the book then explain the rules on temporary and recreational uses of land, including caravan sites and camping. Other important factors to be considered are dealt with in the appendices, including the loss or removal of permitted development rights and the identification of the planning unit and the curtilage of a building.
This book will be a valuable resource for all property and planning professionals including Architects, Town Planners (in both the private and public sectors), Surveyors, Valuers, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Barristers, Solicitors, Licensed Conveyancers and other legal and property advisers and also to Builders and developers and to property owners wishing to carry out residential conversions or to make other changes of use as permitted development.
We intend that this book will be completely up-to-date, and so we hope to include in the text the widely anticipated extension of the time limit for the residential conversion of offices, expected to be introduced in September and to come into effect in October, and the associated changes that the government is expected to make to the rules governing these office conversions. Notes of appeal decisions that illustrate points explained in the book will also continue to be added to the text up to the time we finally go to press.
And all this for just £35 if you order now!
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