Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Boat Plans Pdf

Freakishly huge trout!

flies, nymphs, streamers
and yes even dries!

There is a lake in southern Argentina called Lake Strobel. It has been dubbed "Jurassic Lake", but it is really “slab city”. It has freakishly huge trout as does the river that feeds into it. Imagine catching 5 to 10 lb fish as an average, with the possibility of a trout over 20lbs! These trout got big by eating a lot and often. They do eat flies, nymphs, streamers and yes, even dries.

The lake and the Barrancoso River is located on part of Estancia Laguna Verde. They have very comfortable accommodations for 6 anglers at their lodge. Each two anglers share a room with a private bath. The food and hospitality are first class.

Estancia Laguna
Estancia Laguna Verde - Jurassic Lake!

Access to the lake is by 4 wheelers. The wind can blow but the trout still eat. There are 15 total lakes on the estancia, but they fish 5 of them.

Adventure starts here!
You can fly to Argentina to fish here for a week or work it in with Tierra del Fuego Sea Run Browns, Patagoina trout or the northern Golden Dorado. There is the option of a shorter week to match up with other travel. It is lake and river fishing like none other. Leave your 6x at home.

Food fit for a King

Jerry Swanson
Fish Head Expeditions, LLC

Most Photo Credits to Brian OKeefe


"Fly Fish the World with Us"

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